Sector: Listed Building Restoration
Project: Royal Baths Harrogate
Location: Harrogate
Value: £1.5M
Year: 2007
Contractor: Various specialist contractors
The restoration of a renowned Grade II* Listed building including conversion into a chinese restaurant which remains an outstanding example and is recognised as a premier venue of its type nationally, not only for the fine cuisine but also for the spectacular setting and surroundings.
Robert Hoyle was engaged as specialist design Architect for the restoration and conversion works which returned the building to its former glory. The mosaic tiled floor was restored and new marble floors installed. Chemical testing was performed on original paint finishes for analysis and enabling a perfect match to be performed by the specialist contractors who replicated the original works. The final restoration is recognised as a triumph not only by the many visitors to the building and its owner/occupier but also by the Harrogate Civic Society who had originally been concerned regarding the proposed works.
“This wonderous transformation was so magnificent, so glorious that I almost despaired of being able to do justice to its splendid appearance” — Malcolm Neesam, local historian.